I will attempt to illustrate the psychological processes involved in creativity through the analysis of the creation of a poem.
Download Author: Rothenberg, Albert, M.D.
The Creative Process as the Mirror Image of the Dream
As the mirror image of dreaming, creativity is one of the highest, if not the highest, kind of adaptive mental process. It is not regressive, irrational, a concrete type of thinking, or even a radically altered state of consciousness. The creator, in full consciousness, purposefully attempts to produce the most socially valuable products possible and he uses the highest mental function he possesses.
The Mirror Image Processes
In order to show how the mirror-image process functions, its specific forms and operations, I shall examine further the creation of “In Monument Valley.”
L’Envoi: Psychodynamics of the Creation of a Poem
Tells the story of the creation of “In Monument Valley”—the psychological story—to the extent that such a story can be told.
Scientific Creativity
Because of a serendipitous finding from my research, I virtually was driven to begin to acknowledge a similarity between artistic and scientific creativity.
The Creative Process
In the course of this narrative I shall provide a picture of the subjective side of creative thinking and the manner in which the creative process, for both the artist and the scientist as well as other types of creators, is the mirror image of the dream.
The Articulation Process in Psychotherapy
Articulation of Error in the Creative Process of Psychotherapy
The Creative Process of Psychotherapy
In this work creativity in psychotherapy is a rigorous and yet intuitive process. He offers examples from well-known psychoanalysts as Ralph Greenson,Theodore Reik and Jacob Arlow, from such family therapists as Lyman Wynne and the Milan team, and from Milton Erickson and his followers. This original work is a masterful guide to freer creativity in clinical practice. (575 pages)
The Creative Process of Psychotherapy
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