Download Author: Liebert, Douglas Ph.D.
From Talk that Hurts to Talk that Heals
From Illusion to Reality
From Isolation to Contact
Disorders Responsive to Specific Treatments
“I Think I Can…I Think I Can…”
Off the Couch and Into Action
What’s Therapy Like
Make Every Session Count:Getting the Most Out of Your Brief Therapy
Brief therapy is the name of the game in health care today. Managed care systems, university counseling centers, and insurance companies have restructured the concept of therapy, demanding short-term, cost-effective procedures.
Make Every Session Count , the first client guide to brief therapy, allows patient and therapist to make the most out of those six to ten sessions. It’s an invaluable resource for agencies and therapists to provide to clients. (232 pages)
“This book has lots of basic information and practical suggestions to help clients access services and set and achieve realistic treatment goals.”
—Michael F. Hoyt Ph.D.
“Anyone seeking therapy or counseling should read this book. It will save untold hours of frustration and thousands of dollars in fees. Most importantly, it can save your emotional life by ensuring that you get the help you need.”
—Matthew McKay Ph.D.
“You can and should be a full partner in your treatment. Make Every Session Count can help you do so.”
—Simon Budman Ph.D.
Is Brief Better?
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