The challenge that confronts men is to find ways to be powerful without oppressing anyone, and in the process to redefine power, heroism, and masculinity. This is an immense challenge. And men will never meet it in isolation. We need new kinds of bonds among men and between men and women, straight and gay, if we are to construct, collectively, new forms of masculinity and new and better gender relations. (36 pp.)
Download Author: Kupers, Terry A. M.D.
Nice Guys Needn’t Finish Last
New resolve on the part of a large number of men to improve their intimacies with other men and to achieve a new level of equality and connectedness with women is a cause for hope. (56 pp.)
Pathological Arrhythmicity in Men
Human beings are not ruled by “natural” cycles. We interpret nature around and within us in relation to our social/cultural context. But each gender, in a particular social/cultural context, adopts a stance in relation to natural cycles. (44 pp.)
Homophobia in Straight Men
Homophobia is an important part of male psychology, even in men who would never knowingly support any kind of overt discrimination against gays and lesbians. (44 pp.)
Men in Couples
Where there is a discrepancy in earning power as well as a discrepancy in domestic competence, and where one or both partners have a need to compete, there are new kinds of envy and rivalry. (53 pp.)
Pornography and Intimacy
As a therapist, I listen without judging, and try to understand the problems in a man’s life—they are almost always in the area of intimacy—that he believes will be solved by his resorting to pornography. What does their process in the consulting room teach us about ways to transcend the pornographic imagination? (47 pp.)
The Conscientious Father and the Unappreciative Son
I have seen several fathers in my office recently who were distraught over being rejected or physically or verbally assaulted by an almost grown or young adult son. These men take very seriously their responsibility as fathers. They were all caught off guard by their sons’ attack or rejection, and felt hurt and unappreciated. The initial aim of therapy with these men is to understand why they react as they do to what they experience as a betrayal.
Men in Therapy
More men are appearing in therapists’ offices than ever before. Some men immediately enter into power struggles with the therapist, some have a difficult time figuring out what to say and how to behave. I will discuss these two all too typical developments, describe a men’s therapy group, and argue that friendship is an important issue to explore in therapy, particularly during the termination phase.
(47 pp.)
Each man has to overcome a different hurdle vis a vis friendship. What unifies us is the fact that there always are those hurdles. We share a certain amount of collective incapability in the realm of man-to-man relating. (46 pp.)
Revisioning Men’s Lives: Gender, Intimacy, and Power
The challenge that confronts men is to find ways to be powerful without oppressing anyone, and in the process to redefine power, heroism, and masculinity. This is an immense challenge. And men will never meet it in isolation. We need new kinds of bonds among men and between men and women, straight and gay, if we are to construct, collectively, new forms of masculinity and new and better gender relations. (340 pp.)
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