A Heart Shattered, The Private Self, and A Life Unlived


Publisher: International Psychotherapy Institute

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Stark’s newest book speaks not only to patients who are fundamentally schizoid (concealing their true self behind a self-protective facade) but also to patients who, in the moment, have psychically retreated because their heart has been so badly hurt. Recognizing and responding to the patient’s self-protective ego, the therapist will foster a therapeutic regression, thereby enabling the patient to relinquish denial of object need.

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5 comments on “A Heart Shattered, The Private Self, and A Life Unlived

  • Dieu Van, Doan says:


    It’s very useful for me to learn more deeply in psychology, but I can’t always afford to buy books. Thanks to your support, I have improved my knowledge in the field.

    Dieu Van, Doan
    Department of Psychology
    Ho Chi Minh University of Education

  • Judith B Rosenberger says:

    United States:

    Martha’s work is clear, direct, uncompromising without being harsh. I have been emboldened by her tone as well as learning new ways of thinking about the issues she addresses so beautifully. Judith Rosenberger, Phd

  • Appana Swamy says:

    India :

    Really useful and knowledge enriching book in this field of psychotherapy.

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